Wednesday, November 21, 2012

holiday time: tips for dining out

With the holiday season nearly upon us, I always find it's a time when you gather with friends and often end up eating out a lot. I'm the first one to admit that I love going out for meals, but it's sometimes hard to balance out a healthy diet with all the temptation. I came across an article in an old Chatelaine and thought I would share some realistic ideas to help you through the holiday restaurant rush!

1. Snack before you go. 
I'm not talking a full meal, but have a small, healthy snack like a piece of fruit or some nuts. By the time you get to the restaurant your brain recognizes that you're no longer starving, and your hunger won't cause you to overeat.

2. Get dressings and sauces on the side.
I love sauces, but unfortunately, most of the time they are filled with unhealthy sugars and fats. Asking for dressings and sauces on the side allows you to monitor how much you're using and still enjoy the flavor, while at the same time saving some calories!

3. Leave some food on your plate.
You don't have to finish every bit of food you are served. Often time, portions are larger than they need to be, so eat slowly, enjoy the flavors and listen to your brain when it tells you you're getting full. You'll leave the restaurant feeling good and you'll have yummy food to enjoy for lunch the next day, it's a win- win!

Mastering Menus: My favorite types of food to go out for have to be Italian and Japanese. Here are some tips on how to navigate those tricky, tempting menus!

Italian: Go for marinara (tomato sauce), marsala (wine sauce) and primavera (vegetables); Avoid alfredo (cream sauce), parmigiana (made with cheese) and cannelloni (stuffed with cheese)

Japanese: Order more sushi and sashimi, brown rice and edamame; Avoid tempura and anything else deep fried!

Hopefully these tips help you out in the coming weeks and allow you to enjoy time spent with family and friends, while still looking sexy in that holiday dress!

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