Thursday, January 17, 2013

today was a good day

This morning D and I got up early and headed down to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to support a friends hard work at the Remax Kick Start 2013 event. Todays line-up included eight different speakers including an economic forecaster, a real estate lawyer and the Wealthy Barber (from Dragons Den)! We're both on the job hunt and today was just the type of motivation we needed. I wanted to share some things that really resonated with me.

  • Jon Cheplak told us that "commitment is measured by results". This really inspired me to work on holding myself more accountable. I set goals at the beginning of 2013 and I need to commit myself and my energies to work towards accomplishing them. One of my goals was to begin practicing yoga, and I'm happy to say that I have some results to share. D and I signed up for a 30 days for $30 trial at a yoga studio in the Annex and we have challenged each other to give it a go. We enjoyed our first class, Yoga 101 tonight and I'm really looking forward to seeing how my love of yoga evolves over the next thirty days.
  • Dave Chilton (aka the Wealthy Barber) was a hilariously entertaining speaker, and yet was able to communicate so clearly and concisely in such an effective way. Dave highlighted the fact of how society almost always measures "success" with relation to money and "stuff". He reminded us of all the other ways in which success can and should be measured. While I am unemployed right now, so I don't have much money, but I really appreciated his encouragement to reflect on the reasons why I am successful. I am a university graduate, I have visited 16 countries, I have wonderful and caring friends, I have a loving and supportive family, I live in Canada, I am an able and healthy human being. 
I left the conference today feeling very inspired and educated. I gained knowledge that I feel will help me moving forward. After hearing Dave Chilton speak at the end of the day, I also felt incredibly blessed. He reminded us how lucky we are to live in a country like Canada and that "these are the 'good 'ol days'!" 

I challenge you to be the most positive, happy, cheerful person you can be. Don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the big picture!

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