Tuesday, February 26, 2013

stop & smell the roses

It's so easy to get caught up in life and forget to enjoy the simple, little pleasures that infect our daily routines. I've been keen to step back and take note of these happening as of late and thought I would share some of my favorite moments, things, experiences, etc... 

getting into a bed with freshly laundered linens.
strawberry haagen daz ice cream.
a plane ride.
neatly, manicured nails.
a full tank of gas.
making snow angels.
handwritten snail mail.
a hot fire. 
when babies smile.
loud, hearty laughter.
a warm cup of jo.
a sweaty yoga class.

What little things bring you joy and make you happy? 
I encourage you to take it all in and stop & smell the roses. Life really isn't all that bad :)

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