Monday, January 4, 2016


Well it's back to the daily grind after the holidays. It was so nice to have some time off and relax, catch up with friends and family, and indulge in (too many) Christmas treats. The work week has begun, as has the new year, welcome to 2016.

I've never been one to create a lengthy list of resolutions but I rather take the opportunity to reflect and look ahead to the possibilities in the coming year. As I lay in bed last night, I thought up a way to try and keep myself on track and focused as the new year begins. I created a list of weekly goals, small achievements to work at throughout the week. Realistic but still items I will have to manage my time and energy to achieve. It felt obtainable, a great way to get stuff done and keep myself motivated. Here's this weeks list:

- go to the gym 3 times 
- read 2 chapters of my new book 
- blog 3 times
- pay the bills and settle holiday finances
- go for a walk with D
- send a hand written note to my sister and Grandma
- try a new recipe

Are you a big believer in new years resolutions? What do you do to motivate yourself? I'd love to hear your resolutions!

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