Friday, October 19, 2012

cleanse update: day 5

Well, we've made it to day 5! I've had my moments of doubting why the heck we chose to do a seven cleanse (which might have included a little whining - sorry D) but overall, I'm feeling good. In five days I've lost six and a half pounds and feel lighter, healthier and just feel better. I'm not the best with sticking to diets and eating restrictions and I've had a couple slip ups, (the worst being the fresh pumpkin donut I had at a farm today.... by the way - totally worth it!) but D has been such a great motivator. I don't think I could ever successfully complete a cleanse on my own. We have two more days to go and have stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies to make it through. At some points of the week the food has felt somewhat bland and boring but when it comes down to it, it's how we should be eating. The food plan promotes healthy, clean eating and we've just become too accustomed to eating unhealthily. We don't plan on sticking to as strict of an eating plan come Monday but we do plan on making healthy, natural choices and practicing more self control! I sort of feared it would be a week full of salad but it hasn't been the case at all. Incase you're curious, here are a few of my instagram meal shots from this week!

{ rice noodles, ground chicken and fresh tomatoes }

 { arugula, spinach, pear, scallops }

{ tilapia, basmati rice, asparagus, broccoli }

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