Wednesday, November 26, 2014

for the reader

I spend a lot of time researching what books I'm going to read next and love when I find a story I really get into and enjoy. I will take note of suggestions on blogs, walk around Chapters looking at cover artwork and read endless reviews on Amazon. Here are some of my suggestions for all those friends on your shopping list who like to snuggle up with a good book...

For a friend wanting an emotional read, and a story with great depth 

For a friend who loves fashion and is all about girl power 

For a restaurant-going, food-loving home cook 
(I can't wait to make every single recipe!)

For your friend who loves a suspenseful read with a twist ending 
(read the book before you see the movie!)

A memoir of a young Canadian journalist who gets kidnapped 
(I couldn't put this one down)

 For any friend who lived through the 90's and can appreciate sarcastic humor

For your friend who loves a light-hearted love story

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